About Martijn
Martijn Arets
Professional outsider & platform expert
How is the platform economy developing worldwide? What impact does it have on people, organisations and society? As an independent professional outsider, I have been travelling around the world since 2012 to find answers to these questions.
So far, I have visited more than 600 experts, entrepreneurs and other stakeholders within the emerging platform economy in 17 countries. How do they see developments and how does platformisation affect their daily lives? Out of genuine curiosity and wonder, I investigate and interpret what is really happening.
From insights to collaborating on solutions
As a bridge builder and professional outsider, I use these insights to bring stakeholders together. I am at the centre of the debate, but maintain an independent voice as an observer and interpreter.
I speak the language of academics as well as policymakers and entrepreneurs. I know both the world of small start-ups, and that of corporates. That helps me look at issues from different angles and bring parties together. After all, I don’t just want to know how things are, but also to help address and solve relevant issues.
I like to share my insights and vision. I advise companies, national and local governments and other institutions. I also share my story and thoughts through blogs, media appearances and my Dutch and English newsletter. Furthermore, I give presentations all over the world: from TEDx in Greece to the Crowdsourcing Week Arctic Circle and advise companies and governments on their opportunities in the platform economy.

Furthermore, I am…
- Founder of my own consultancy firm Professional Outsider Consultancy
- Author of the books ‘Brand Expedition, a journey along Europe’s most inspiring brands’, ‘Crowdfunding, beyond the hype’, ‘Crowdfunding for Dummies’ and ‘Platform Revolution’
- Entrepreneur of the Year 2011 (Sprout) and one of the ’40 Young Potential European Leaders under 40′
- Member of the gig team of the WageIndicator Foundation
- Part of the knowledge team of the lectorate Platform Economy of the Haagse Hogeschool
- Founder of GigCV
- Photographer and guitarist
- Resident of Houten, together with Jannette and our children Joep, Sophie and Anna.
Stay up to date with what’s happening in the platform economy through my weekly newsletter. Every Monday morning at 8:00 am I share the five most interesting articles of the week. I provide each article with personal commentary and analysis.
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Developing DAC7: 5 lessons for the workable regulation of the platform economy.
Super-apps and green jackets: lessons on the gig economy from Indonesia
Professional Outsider Consultancy
Europalaan 400, 6e etage
3526 KS Utrecht,
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